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吴悦石 - 弘扬民族传统永远有市场——观崔如

2022-03-11 17:39:06




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 吴悦石,1945年生,北京市人。少年时开始学习中国画,5 六十年代曾得到画坛耆宿的亲授,为著名国画家王铸九董寿平入室弟子。


1961年至1963年北京林业技术学校中专技术员,1963年至1964年北京中国画院大专毕业,1964年至1967年北京市农科院从事科普工作任干部,1967年至1978年北京市门头沟区妙峰山公社下放务农,1978年至1984年 北京画店从事鉴定工作任主任,1984年至2003年东方美术交流学会副秘书长,1987年至1989年 美国加州大学言语 学位学习英语,2000年至2002年马来西亚艺术艺术学院教授,2002年美中文物协会从事文物鉴定工作任名誉会长。


1980年代中期离开祖国内地,居住 海外十余年,2000年当前 返回北京。现为中国国家画院吴悦石工作室导师。国家国史馆特约研讨 馆员、中国艺术研讨 院特约研讨 员,中国美术家协会会员,东方美术交流学会理事兼副秘书长,中国国际文明 交流中心思 事,美中收藏家协会顾问,中美文物交流协会名誉会长,中国画坛领军人物。


 他有深厚的国学涵养 和对绘画理论的研讨 ,精于书画鉴赏。青年时代开始遍游天下,深入生活,写生创作。其作品疏朗、洒脱、遒劲、苍辣、奇崛、生动,是备受推崇的大写意中国画大家。他在北京、南京、深圳等城市和日本、美国等国家和地区举办过个人画展;在地方 美院、中国国家画院、新加坡国立大学、美国洛杉矶亚洲艺术研讨 中心等地举办过讲座。作品为人民大会堂、中南海及多家博物馆、纪念馆收藏。中国地方 旧事 纪录电影制片厂在1980年代初期即为其拍摄专题纪录片《有志者——画家吴悦石》,近些年来,北京、南京、台北、新加坡等多家电视媒体相继为其拍摄介绍其艺术成就的专题片;国内外报刊也有相干 报道和专文介绍。出版有《吴悦石画集》,《吴悦石作品集》等多种。

Introduction to the artist

 Wu Yueshi was born in Beijing in 1945. As a teenager, he began to learn Chinese painting. In the 1950s and 1960s, he was taught by a famous Chinese painter Wang Zhujiu and Dong Shouping.

From 1961 to 1963, technicians in technical secondary schools of Beijing Forestry Technology School graduated from Beijing Academy of Chinese Painting from 1963 to 1964. From 1964 to 1967, Beijing Academy of Agricultural Sciences was engaged in the work of popularization of science as a cadre. From 1967 to 1978, Miaofengshan Commune of Mentougou District of Beijing was assigned to work as a farmer. From 1978 to 1984, Beijing Painting Shop was engaged in the work of appraisal as a director. From 1984 to 2003, the Vice-Secretary of He studied English with a degree in language from the University of California, USA, from 1987 to 1989, was a professor at the Malaysian Academy of Arts and Arts from 2000 to 2002, and was honorary president of the American-Chinese Cultural Relics Association in the field of Cultural Relics Identification in 2002.

He left the mainland of China in the mid-1980s and lived abroad for more than ten years. He returned to Beijing after 2000. Now he is the tutor of Wu Yueshi studio of China National Academy of Painting. The National History Museum, the Chinese Academy of Art, the member of the Chinese Artists Association, the director and deputy secretary-general of the Oriental Art Exchange Society, the director of the China International Cultural Exchange Center, the consultant of the American-Chinese Collectors Association, the honorary president of the Sino-American Cultural Relics Exchange Association, and the leader of the Chinese painting circle.

He has profound Chinese culture and painting theory research, and is good at painting and calligraphy appreciation. Youth began to travel all over the world, in-depth life, sketch creation. His works are clear, free and easy, vigorous, spicy, strange and vivid, and are highly respected masters of freehand brushwork Chinese painting. He has held individual exhibitions in Beijing, Nanjing, Shenzhen and other cities, Japan, the United States and other countries and regions, and lectures in the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the National Academy of Chinese Painting, the National University of Singapore and the Asian Art Research Center in Los Angeles, USA. The works are collected in the Great Hall of the People, Zhongnanhai and many museums and memorials. In the early 1980s, China Central News and Documentary Film Studio filmed a special documentary for Wu Yueshi, a aspiring artist. In recent years, Beijing, Nanjing, Taipei, Singapore and other television media have filmed special films to introduce their artistic achievements. There are also relevant reports and articles in newspapers and magazines at home and abroad. Published "Wu Yueshi Painting Collection" and "Wu Yueshi Works Collection" and so on.



