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周逢俊 - 艺术评论家评品周逢俊

2022-03-11 17:39:20




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别名:星1 、斋号:松韵堂主人,京华水墨画院副院长,中国美术家协会会员,中国散文学会会员,中国书画研讨 院创研部主任,北京国画艺术家协会副院长,山水画创研室主任,北京汉韵堂文明 艺术交流中心艺术总监,诗文师从文怀沙先生。

参加全国严重 展览活动(部分次要 作品)
1998年《家在青山绿水间》参加“北京大学百年校庆书画约请 展。”
1998年《唐人诗意》参加由文明 部,李可染艺术基金会主办的“98中国国际美术年——当代中国山水画,风景油画展。
1998年作品参加首届北京国际扇面展。(文明 部主办)
1999年《黎明》参加中国文明 部、中国美协举办的庆祝新中国
成立5 十周年暨迎接澳门回归全国书画大奖赛展并获银奖。
2001年《唐人诗意》参加中国文明 部,中国美协举办的庆祝建党八十周年全国美术作品展获优秀奖(最高奖)。
2003年文明 部举办全国名人书画大奖赛参加评委。
2005年参加中国画研讨 院举办中国山水画,风景油画对比展。
2007地方 电视台(CCTV—2)介绍周逢俊艺术专题片(上下集)。
1997年在中国美术馆举办“周逢俊古代 水墨山水作品展”。
1998年在中国美术馆举办“验证明 力。中国画家5 人展”。
2005年中国画研讨 院龙瑞工作室《帖近文脉》山水画全国巡回展。
次要 著作
《松韵堂诗、词、赋、文自全集 》,作家出版社出版。
2005年1 幅山水为国务院会客厅创作,(中国美协安排)。
2005年为地方 常委办公楼作画二幅(中国美协安排)
2007年为地方 老干部活动中心创作大型山水画1 幅。(中国美协安排)

Introduction to the artist

Alias: Star one, fast date: Song Yuntang is master, capital wash courtyard assistant dean, chinese artist academician, chinese essay academician, academy of Chinese painting and calligraphy is achieved grind department head, assistant dean of association of artist of Beijing traditional Chinese painting, the landscape painting is achieved grind room director, art of culture of hall of Beijing Chinese charm communicates central art chief inspector, poetic article Shi Congwen conceives sanded gentleman.

Enter activity of countrywide major exhibition (the part is main work)
1996 " banyan idle is read " attend receive " 97 " competition of large award of painting and calligraphy of whole nation of Hong Kong regression wins outstanding award.
1998 " the home is between green hill green water " attend " painting and calligraphy of hundred years anniversary of the founding of a school invites Beijing University exhibit. 1998 " the home is between green hill green water " attend " painting and calligraphy of hundred years anniversary of the founding of a school invites Beijing University exhibit..
1998 " Tang Renshi meaning " attend by culture ministry, li Ke catchs artistic foundation to sponsor " art of 98 China International year -- contemporary China landscape painting, scenery canvas is exhibited.
Work attended covering of the fan of first Beijing international to exhibit 1998. (culture ministry is sponsorred)
1999 " dawn " the 9th beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited.
1999 " matutinal " attend beauty of Chinese culture ministry, China assist is held celebration new China?
Hold water 50 years and receive Macao to return to countrywide painting and calligraphy to large award competition is exhibited and win silver-colored award.
1999 " Yuan Shangqiu wind " anthology? Into the whole nation the 2nd China spends bird art exhibition, win outstanding award.
2001 " Tang Renshi meaning " join Chinese culture department, china is beautiful assist work of art of 80 years of whole nations exhibits held congratulatory found a party win outstanding award (top prize) .
2003 " smoke Shan Yunshu " attend picture of the 2nd China of countrywide to be exhibited greatly win outstanding award.
Culture ministry held competition of large award of countrywide celebrity painting and calligraphy to attend a commissioner 2003.
Is work selected 2004? The 10th beauty is exhibited.
Work attended painting and calligraphy of China of congress of bequest of the 28th international to be exhibited greatly 2004 win a gold prize.
Commemorated neat white Shi Danchen 140 years 2004 China is beautiful assist nomination is exhibited win a gold prize.
Academy of the traditional Chinese painting in attending 2005 holds Chinese landscape painting, scenery canvas contrast is exhibited.
China is beautiful 2005 assist hold first China enjoyable art exhibition to win outstanding award (top prize) .
The traditional Chinese painting in attending 2005 creates a courtyard " home of the four seasons " nomination of countrywide a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited.
2006 attend Chinese beauty assist go to Indian art investigation group.
Attended Chinese beauty 2006 assist European art investigation group.
China was taught 2007 (CETV, 1) Zhou Fengjun art and country situation.
2007 CCTVs (CCTV, 2) special subject of art of introductory Zhou Fengjun piece (fluctuation collect) .
2007 " wind comes the of great capacity is right " 10 people couplet exhibits Jinan.
Selected 2007 contemporary China draws altar 60 outstanding (50, 70 time) .
Countrywide itinerate exhibited work of Zhou Fengjun traditional Chinese painting 2008 2008.
Saved art gallery of summer of article the United Nations General Assembly to exhibit at Zhengzhou 2009 " the beauty of heart source -- work of traditional Chinese painting exhibits Zhou Fengjun " hold a seminar.
Attended artistic freely 2009 -- Chinese painter walks along group of world collect folk songs to go to Europe.
? Exhibit reach couplet to exhibit
Held in Chinese art gallery 1997 " work of landscape of contemporary water Chinese ink exhibits Zhou Fengjun " .
Held in Chinese art gallery 1998 " actual strength of test and verify. 5 people of Chinese painter are exhibited " .
Went to American los angeles to hold art exhibition 2002.
Was in 2002 inferior bright art house is held " report of work of Zhou Fengjun traditional Chinese painting is exhibited " .
China drew atelier of academy dragon luck 2005 " Tie Jinwen arteries and veins " itinerate of landscape painting whole nation is exhibited.
? Main write
" collect of work of Chinese ink of Zhou Fengjun water " Hainan art publishing house.
" Zhou Fengjun draws volume " big 8 clothbound this, publishing house of Tianjin people art is issued.
Zhou Fengjun " word of Song Yuntang poem? Essay? Painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style coils " .
Zhou Fengjun " word of Song Yuntang poem? Landscape coils " .
" collect of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of Chinese ink of Zhou Fengjun water " big 8.
Tianjin willow green press is medium now a series of books of high-quality goods of a person of academic or artistic distinction of traditional Chinese painting " Zhou Fengjun work is handpick " big 4.
" collect of high-quality goods of Zhou Fengjun traditional Chinese painting " , people art publishing house is published.
" landscape painting of Zhou Fengjun of painter of clique of enjoyable now actual strength " Dalian art publishing house is published in.
Work is chosen " contemporary art complete works " . Reach large picture market a few kinds.
" poem of loose charm hall, word, ode, article is free collect " , writer press is published.
Full length reportage " the American dream of Chinese painter " " I am in the United States 18 days " serialize of many newspapers and periodicals of countrywide.
Work is published on hundreds art journal. Publish have word of essay, poem.
Chinese contemporary a person of academic or artistic distinction draws volume [Zhou Fengjun coils] special issue of 2009 two meetings. Heibei art publishing house.
? Important collect an unit
Work " Tang Renshi meaning " by Taiwan hill art gallery allusion is hidden.
Two work are in Nanhai is collected.
Work " the home is between green hill green water " collect for Beijing University.
Work " Man Yuanchun contains a figure " (247 × 124cm) collect by people congress hall (hang in the sitting room inside people congress hall) .
A landscape received a visitor for the State Council 2005 office creative work, (China is beautiful assist arrange) .
Made a picture for office building of central members of standing committee 2005 2 (China is beautiful assist arrangement)
2006 create a landscape painting for the State Council 2. (China is beautiful assist arrangement)
Created large landscape painting for center of activity of central veteran cadre 2007 one. (China is beautiful assist arrange)



